By Mia Mélange

Multicoloured Tassel XL - Pink & Orange

Product information

R 340.00





*one single tassel Mia Mélange tassels are all made in our studio by the very talented Fina! Our tassels are available in a range of colours. We can also make custom tassels to order. Fina used to be a full time domestic worker, working in a few homes in and around Stellenbosch. She used to work at...Show more
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Mia Mélange

It’s said that every time you buy from an independent business an actual happy person does a dance. At Mia Mélange we know who’d be dancing — Babsy, Fina, Verona to name a few — because in this business every handcrafted item has a Maker, every Maker has a Name, and every Name is a significant threa...Show more